Tuesday, September 30, 2008

MSNBC objective is to reassure democrat voters

When watching the Rachel Maddow show one thing came to mind: is her goal to reassure democrat voters that the republican ticket is going to fail. There are many aspects of her show content that make me thing that. The one thing that stands out to me the most is that Maddow keeps showing conservative journalist bashing Palin. It is quite clear to the general public that people think that Palin is not ready to be Veep, but I don't think we need to keep being reminded.
Fox News does not keep saying how Sarah Palin was bad decision, they assume that we are aware, and display her mistakes. If NBC was a child its dialog would be on the lines of "haha even those conservatives think she was a bad choice, we were right you wrong."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Gotcha Game?

Is Bill O'Reilly right, is the media playing a gotcha game with Sarah Palin? O'Reilly claims that Couric and Gibson asked Palin unfair questions, that NO politician would or should know the answers to. O'Reilly wants to end this game by having Palin on The Factor. O'Reilly promises that he will ask her "fair" questions like "How will you run the country?" Of course these are fair questions, because that's what she is expecting and prepared for. However, isn't playing stump the candidate part of the fun and training.
The issues and problems that occur while in office are unexpected, you must act on your toes and be prepared for anything and everything. Interviews and campaigning are just part of the preparation for presidency. A president cannot answer "let me get back to you on that one" when at a summit meeting, he/she must have an answer or a way of responding to every question asked.
Furthermore, if the McPalin campaign thought that O'Reilly was the only fair interviewer, he would have had Palin on his show weeks ago!

Luke Russert on Young Voters

This week the Today Show showed a segment about young voters created by Luke Russert. Russert went to UVA and interviewed students and professors to figure out the political climate on college campuses. The collection of interviews showed to national viewers that the youth vote is up, and added that the election is in the youths' hands (35 and under). Luke made an interesting remark during his recap with Matt Lauer. Matt asked if the students at UVA are a fair analysis of the rest of the state or country. Luke responded with: "you have to remember the smartest kids in the state go there so they are leaning a little bit more towards Obama." Is this the elitist media talking? Will McCain supporters look down on the media for belittling their intellect because they are not supporting Obama?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rachel Maddow does let McCain write her Headlines

Tonight's feature topic on the Rachel Maddow Show was the "suspension" of McCain's campaign, and not the economic crisis. Rachel interviewed Keith Olbermann and both claimed the McCain has been writing his own news headlines. If you haven't noticed the headlines involving McCain have a rapid turn over rate, much quicker than Obama. Can you believe that he claimied "he invented the Blackberry" last week? If you can't, it's because McCain has made so many other statements and "decisions" since then so that the media would steer away from his many "intelligent" comments.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Letterman Says...someone is putting something in his metamucil

McCain was supposed to appear on the Late Show tonight...however McCain has suspended his campaign.
Letterman started off his show by saying what an honorable man McCain is because he gave up everything except his life for America, but....something does not smell right. Letterman made a good point...you cannot suspend your presidency when there is a crisis...you hand over the reins to the VP. Why doesn't McCain trust Palin....I wonder?

McPanic Duh

Obviously we are all writing about the reasons why McCain is suspending his campaign and asking for the Friday debate to be postponed. Is it because he is afraid of David Letterman? This decision process feels awfully familiar to the one he used when picking his VP, and the media is reacting to it in the same fashion. Yesterday McCain showed no signs of suspending his campaign when he was dealing with energy issues, and today he drastically changed his mode.
Obviously the cable networks are interviewing democrats and republican congressional leaders, and there are mixed opinions. While the National networks just show the main points and let the viewers make up their own opinions.
McCain claims that his decision is to redirect America's focus onto the economic crisis rather than the election, however America is now focusing more on why McCain made such a panicky decision...
McCain has done it once again he is forcing the media to pull away from the "real" issues and discuss his campaign decision making skills instead just like they did with his Palin pick.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lies Lies and More Lies

It came out today in a New York Times "Alert" that Freddie Mac paid $15,000 a month to a firm owned John McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis. This completely contradicts a statement McCain made on Sunday night. This information could say many things about McCain: that he is too old and forgetful, that he does not even know what is going on in his own campaign, or that he is just a VERY bad lier.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Spain in Latin America?

Today John McCain had an interview with a radio talk show host based out of Miami. The host asked McCain if he would be willing to meet with Zapatero, the prime minister of Spain. It became apparent during the interview that McCain did not know who Zapatero is and thought he was "a few" leaders. McCain also made a statement later on claiming that Spain was in Latin America.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fired HP CEO Crticizes her Candidate

On September 16 Andrea Mitchell interviewed former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. Those of you who are not familiar with Fiorina she is a surrogate for McCain she also was a major speaker at the RNC. Earlier that day Fiorina stated over a radio talk show that Sarah Palin was incapable of running a major corporation (like HP). MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell followed up with this statement by asking Carly to explain herself and Carly replied: "Well, I don't think John McCain could run a major corporation." Is Fiorina really that narcissistic to think that running a major coorporation is more difficult than being the commander in chief of one of the world's most powerful countries. I would like to see her do it. Many commentators also claimed that Fiorina would reiterate her comments to Mitchell by the end of day, but she didn't.
Today Mitt Romney was interviewed on several major networks including MSNBC's Morning Joe. Coincidence, I think not. Mitt is the perfect person to clear the air of Fiorina's prior comments, with him having run several SUCCESSFUL corporations and also having governed Massachusetts. Romney said the obvious that both McCain and Palin were knowledgeable and experienced enough to run companies.
I still wonder why Fiorina would make those statements I mean HP did fire her....I guess we won't be seeing her for a while!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Maybe McCain's economic state is strong!

Yesterday (September 15), one of the worst days for the economy in decades, McCain made a statement basically claiming that the economy is stable and even strong. Could this be why individuals say McCain is out of touch with American society? Without a question the media is narrowing in on the subject of the economy, and each of the candidates' reactions to the crisis on Wall St. This is the first time since Palin was put on the ballot that the candidates' policies are actually being discussed and the race is between Obama and McCain rather than Obama and Palin. Could the economic crisis answer Obama's prayers and get him back on top?