Friday, September 26, 2008

The Gotcha Game?

Is Bill O'Reilly right, is the media playing a gotcha game with Sarah Palin? O'Reilly claims that Couric and Gibson asked Palin unfair questions, that NO politician would or should know the answers to. O'Reilly wants to end this game by having Palin on The Factor. O'Reilly promises that he will ask her "fair" questions like "How will you run the country?" Of course these are fair questions, because that's what she is expecting and prepared for. However, isn't playing stump the candidate part of the fun and training.
The issues and problems that occur while in office are unexpected, you must act on your toes and be prepared for anything and everything. Interviews and campaigning are just part of the preparation for presidency. A president cannot answer "let me get back to you on that one" when at a summit meeting, he/she must have an answer or a way of responding to every question asked.
Furthermore, if the McPalin campaign thought that O'Reilly was the only fair interviewer, he would have had Palin on his show weeks ago!


Printer's Devil said...

actually, Russert issued an apology later.

Unknown said...

Colin ... I'm confused. Russert apologized for O'Reilly's softball interview proposal?

Unknown said...

Here's some Gotcha Game for you:

My question is: can she really not name a single paper or is she afraid that there is a "right" answer. Like if she says "The Wasilla Frontiersman has always had great coverage of national and international issues" she'll be laughed off the stage?

Can she say "I read the National Review" or will that brand her as a particular kind of zealot in a way that the party would rather avoid?

My theory is that she was so stuck on trying to figure out just how this was going to turn out to be a trick question that she couldn't just answer it.