Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fired HP CEO Crticizes her Candidate

On September 16 Andrea Mitchell interviewed former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. Those of you who are not familiar with Fiorina she is a surrogate for McCain she also was a major speaker at the RNC. Earlier that day Fiorina stated over a radio talk show that Sarah Palin was incapable of running a major corporation (like HP). MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell followed up with this statement by asking Carly to explain herself and Carly replied: "Well, I don't think John McCain could run a major corporation." Is Fiorina really that narcissistic to think that running a major coorporation is more difficult than being the commander in chief of one of the world's most powerful countries. I would like to see her do it. Many commentators also claimed that Fiorina would reiterate her comments to Mitchell by the end of day, but she didn't.
Today Mitt Romney was interviewed on several major networks including MSNBC's Morning Joe. Coincidence, I think not. Mitt is the perfect person to clear the air of Fiorina's prior comments, with him having run several SUCCESSFUL corporations and also having governed Massachusetts. Romney said the obvious that both McCain and Palin were knowledgeable and experienced enough to run companies.
I still wonder why Fiorina would make those statements I mean HP did fire her....I guess we won't be seeing her for a while!

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