Saturday, October 4, 2008

why did she call him joe?

I am still confused as to why Governor Palin asked Senator Biden if she could call him Joe. The media has not picked up on it as much as I would have expected. I thought it was extremely disrespectful, and not once did Senator Biden call her Sarah.


Lauren said...

I actually have a theory on this. During the presidential debates, McCain referred to Obama as "Senator Obama" each time he addressed him, while Obama referred to McCain as "John." I think that since the debates were supposed to be a discussion between the two candidates, it sounded more natural having Obama just say "John" rather than "Senator McCain" and I think that Palin (whether she came up with the idea on her own or not) wanted to make sure she could do the same without being criticized for it later (the way Obama was).

jubud said...

That is a valid point, however on the other side I think Palin wanted to play down Biden's 26 years as much as possible.

Hockanum Monitor said...

I think she had the line, "say it ain't so, Joe" that she planned on working in at some point. Say ain't so, Senator Biden doesn't sound as folksy.

Anonymous said...

I think also it would be tougher for him to call her Sarah because he was trying really hard not to be considered sexist or anything of that nature.